Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Unit_10_TAEASS403B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Unit_10_TAEASS403B - Essay Example This would also ensure that the assessment that are in relation to the standards of the industry are consistent with the learning outcomes that are relevant and the specific criteria of performance for the qualifications, training fields, units of competency and the levels of qualification. In addition to this, this action would give the assessor knowledge concerning the effectiveness and appropriateness of the system of assessment in their work. It would also help in evaluating the assessment objectives process that would be used, and in confirming the decisions that they would make in relation to the assessment competency. The information regarding the assessment benchmarks could be gathered from a number of sources. This includes other RTOs, industrial associations, professional associations, networks, and the relevant ITABS. In order to prepare, Jeremy and other assessor would need to identify the person to be involved in validation; agree and determine the focus and purpose of validation; identify the particular tools, instruments, methods, situations of assessment, and results of assessment that may come under scrutiny; identify the required standards and benchmarks; identifying the head of the process of validation; finding out the functions and activities of other individuals that would be involved in the process of validation, and agreeing on the approach and method of validation. The rule of evidence shows out that all the evidence must be sufficient, authentic, and current. The assessor needs to gather enough evidence so as to ensure that the assessment candidate would be competent in all the elements of the criteria of performance. The collected evidence needs to be recent to ensure the assessment of current competency thus validity. Additionally the assessors should also make sure that the gathered evidence belonged to the candidate. On the other hand, the

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