Sunday, November 3, 2019

Examine A Population In The News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Examine A Population In The News - Essay Example lack of consistency, such that the results differed across the three; and presented a review with the idea of recommending one poll as being better than the other two. In the Bloomberg National Poll the incumbent was reported to have opened a 13 point advantage over Romney, 4 points advantage in the Pew Research Center Poll, and 3 points in the AP Poll. In an attempt to explain the disparities in the figures reported, methodological issues and change in opinions by voters (considering how closely rated the candidates were) were cited. Drawing from an expert’s position, the reporter cited voter commitment as low, which led to massive swaying of potential voters who were polled. However, these adduced low levels of voter commitment were not measured. Among the poll questions were candidates’ favorability ratings, in which Romney’s score sank back to the initial 39% when he entered the presidential race, becoming 17% more ill-favored. The Bloomberg poll also found out that Obama had gained a 19 points advantage over his opponent in terms of being in touch with the ordinary citizens. On their part, Pew Research Center’s results showed that Obama was voted as being 31% ahead of Romney in terms of being in touch with the ordinary citizens (Tacket, 2012). The Bloomberg poll had a slightly higher percentage of respondents who believed the country was headed the wrong direction (62%), against the AP’s 60%. You would expect these high percentages to impact the incumbent’s rating negatively. However, the three pollsters showed a contrasting trend, which could indicate extreme losses for the opponent. In fact, this has been highlighted by the recorded further 17% of respondents who ill-favored the Republ ican candidate at the time, Mitt Romney. In the Bloomberg survey, 1002 adult respondents were polled, and the scores associated with their responses had an error margin of  ±3.1%. Out of this sample, 734 were registered voters, and their responses’ margin of

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