Monday, December 9, 2019

Operation Management Tasmanian Salmon

Question: Discuss about the Operation Management for Tasmanian Salmon. Answer: Introduction Tasmanian primary industries are the room provides the economic growth of Australia, TASSAL Company is one of the operating company which has played a key role improving the economic growth. Operation management in the company has been used by the company to improve in their performance of producing seafood products which meets the customer demands However, operation management in the company is affecting by different factors which are embraced to limit the economic growth and development of the company. Sustainability is a pragmatic factor which affects the operation management of a company, it refers to the approaches which could be used by the management to create a long term operation strategies that will encouraged the achievement of set goal and objectives. Sustainability represent the business polies and related aspects which focuses on the interest of both local and international market Wide demand and related management of the seafood products considered as the primary factor affecting the operation management of the company. As the company increases in terms of production, customers tend to increase their demand forcing the company to strain in order to meet customer demands. Increase and improvement in market share reflects increases in customer demand, this makes the corporation to operate activities out of their operational management plan. Therefore compelling the company to use extra resources rather than utilizing the plan operational resources, this affect the operation management of the company. Aquaculture is the world fastest developing and growing source of animal proteins, the growth of the industry is estimated to have grown by 60% in the last decades. In relation to the report provided in the growing rate, TASSAL Company is the leading organization which produces large volume of seafood products. The consumers rising demand of 62% has been the company strength since it has the essential measures of meeting the growing demand of the consumers in the market. Reference list Akkerman, R., P, F., M, G. (2010). Quality, safety and sustainability in food distribution: a review of quantitative operations management approaches and challenges. Smith, A. D. (2008). Implementing effective fisheries-management systemsmanagement strategy evaluation and the Australian partnership approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Journal du Conseil, 56(6), 967-979 Wood, E. M. (2001). Collection of coral reef fish for aquaria: global trade, conservation issues and management strategies. Marine Conservation Society. Ross-on-Wye, UK.

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