Tuesday, December 17, 2019

School Related Anxiety Group Questions - 2750 Words

School Related Anxiety Group Kristi Colson Florida International University School Related Anxiety Group Introduction Anxiety is a healthy protective response to what our bodies perceive as a threat. In excess, anxiety can become harmful to our bodies, gradually breaking them down both physically and mentally. According to SAMHSA (2014), â€Å"Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear or anxiety that is difficult to control and negatively and substantially impacts daily functioning†. Colleges and Universities are notorious for being high stress environments, thus, it is no surprise that anxiety is reported as the most predominant presenting concern among college students. According to the 2013 annual survey by The†¦show more content†¦Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the best, evidence based treatment for anxiety disorders and recommended by many leading mental health bodies such as the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)(NIMH, 2014; ADAA, 2014). With increasing numbers of students who are sufferi ng from anxiety and tight budgets for mental health services on college campus’, a group format for anxiety treatment is the most cost effective way to treat the vast number of students. Group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) can cut the cost of individual cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) by 40-50%. Not only is GCBT cost effective, but also according to recent studies it has treatment outcomes comparable to Group Proposal This group is for students who suffer from school related anxiety. The group will be a closed, counseling group for any student enrolled, full time, in their college or university program. This group will focus specifically on anxiety associated with school stressors. It will not focus on other sources of anxiety such as job, family and relationships, although these may be identified within the group as being affected by the school stressors. The goal of this group is to help members reduce their anxiety. Some of the objectives to meet this goal are to teach members how to identify and

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