Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Theater Of The Absurd - 1937 Words

The theatre of the absurd is a term formulated by Martin Esslin during the 1950s and 1960s. Essentially, it is derived from Albert Camus, the French author, in his Myth of Sisyphus. The origins of the absurd theatre are in the hard experiments in the art during the 1920s and 1930s. The absurd drama is not determined to solve any problem on the modern stage. Absurd drama excludes language as a resource for communication. Language has become meaningless exchanges. In fact, it fails to reflect the importance of human experience; it is restricted to the surface meaning and never penetrates beyond its depth. The language which is used in absurd drama is specifically conventionalized speech, clichà ©s and slogans that have become very common to many writers. The critics conclude that life is basically meaningless and, later, miserable, with no hope because of the unavoidable futility of man’s exertions. In these dramas, realism is intolerable, so there are illusions. There is no discernible plot. Conversations are repeated. In these dramas, there is no certain purpose or reason because it does not solve any problem. The main theme in absurd drama is a failure of communication and the mingling of comic and serious elements. Also, theatre of the absurd appears to react broadly against the impact of religion and its dimension in contemporary life. In other words, we can say that it is an attempt to restore the necessity of myth and ritual in the modern age, by making the individualShow MoreRelatedThe Theater Of The Absurd1285 Words   |  6 PagesThe Theater Of The Absurd is popular movement of dramas that started in the European countries. The time span of these films were from the 1940s to around 1989. Albert Camus was the one who contrived the philosophy of the absurd. In the philosophy he discusses the man s meaning of life and how each man can have their own perspective on life. Albert Camus is a French-Algerian philosopher who published The Myth of Sisyphus in the early 1940’s. In this story, Sisyphus chains deaths in order to avoidRead More Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot and The Theater of The Absurd1424 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Theater of the Absurd. His contribution to this particular type of theater movement allows us to refer to him as the father of the genre. While other dramatists, such as Tom Stoppard, have also contributed to this genre, Beckett remains its single, most lofty figure. It is this type of theater that deals with the absurd aspects of life, to stress upon its native meaninglessness. It is the time and identity of characters that are usually vague or ambiguous in such plays from the theater of absurdRead MoreTheme Of Tragedy In Waiting For Godot1048 Words   |  5 PagesThis study of the theater of the absurd will define the theme of metaphysical anguish and the meaninglessness of life in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. In this play, the two main characters, Estragon and Vladimir are waiting on an individual named Godot. This waiting period defines the intermediary aspects of metaphysical anguish for the two men, as they discuss the mindlessness of life until the arrival of their friend. The theater of the absurd provides a theatrical context for this plotRead MoreTV Show: The Office1451 Words   |  6 PagesOffice reflect complex ideas about morals, existence, and free will through their comical fallacies. The popular television show The Office demonstrates existential ideas such as Sartre’s â€Å"bad faith,† Kierkegaard’s stages of life, and the theater of the absurd. The actions of the receptionist Pam throughout season two and culminating in the episode â€Å"Casino Night† illustrate aspects of existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre’s ideas about self-deception. When Pam denies her growing feelings for her coworkerRead MoreTok Essay Art Is a Lie That Brings Us Nearer to the Truth (Pablo Picasso)900 Words   |  4 Pagesonly be perceived with one’s certain opinion or belief. There is a certain philosophy that lies beyond the understanding of the audience, but can be deciphered by the artist or creator. â€Å"All of the arts, poetry, music, ritual, the visible arts, the theater, must singly and together create the most comprehensive art of all, a humanized society, and its masterpiece, free man† (Bernason, Bernard). The quote shows an ethical perspective on all of the areas involving the arts. Perception is one of theRead MoreSummary Of The Room And Waiting For Godot 952 Words   |  4 PagesLaurin Neely Professor Matthew Byrge English 2030-14 22 September 2015 Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter Absurd Influences in Theatre There are a wide variety of theatrical movements that have occurred over time. One of these includes the theatre of the absurd. Theater of the absurd refers to the literary movement in drama popular throughout European countries from the 1940s to approximately 1989. A definition of the term absurdism is referred to a literary and philosophical movement that flourishedRead MoreBertolt Brecht and Epic Theater1328 Words   |  5 Pageswho used the concept of the Epic Theater to oppose the capitalist system and bourgeois ideology. He insisted on a straight version of Marxism, uncontaminated by middle class idealism, pragmatism or humanism and centered on class struggle. Brecht imagined that the education system, cultural life, the theater and the arts would always be one major arena of revolutionary struggle against the dominant ideology of capitalism. Classical and dramatic types of theater merely uphold the dominant ideologiesRead MoreWhos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Articulates the Cr ises of Contemporary Western Civilization867 Words   |  4 Pagescondemnation of complacency, cruelty, and emasculation and vacuity, a stand against the fiction that everything in this slipping land of ours is peachy-keen. Secondly Albee deploys techniques of Theater of Absurd. Albee often begins with a seemingly realistic circumstance that is abruptly interrupted by an absurd or surreal element or event. As for example in Whos Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? incidents such as the moon that goes down and soon comes up again and the hysterical pregnancy of Honey. ThereforeRead More George Orwells Writing Essay examples899 Words   |  4 Pagesofficers in enforcing roles that did. The entire shooting of the elephant in itself is a symbol. It demonstrates the irony that was Orwell?s position. Even though he had to impose strict laws and he had to shoot the elephant Orwell was ?only an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind.? He who was the most powerful, ironically, held the least power. The elephant is a symbol of Orwell?s guilt. As much as he feels guilty about oppressing the Burmese and shootingRead MoreWaiting For Godot Essay1533 Words   |  7 PagesAlexandria Abbrat October 24, 2017 Professor Joines What it is to Be and Beckett’s Absurd Existentialist Frame of the World Desert. Dazzling light (37). A bright barren wasteland of nothing in which there is a man, completely alone trying to decide what to do next, reflecting upon his situation is the beginning of Act Without Words I, the man is in a hopeless setting and all help or comfort he might have is stripped away from him. We see much the same in the tragicomedy Waiting for Godot but with

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

School Related Anxiety Group Questions - 2750 Words

School Related Anxiety Group Kristi Colson Florida International University School Related Anxiety Group Introduction Anxiety is a healthy protective response to what our bodies perceive as a threat. In excess, anxiety can become harmful to our bodies, gradually breaking them down both physically and mentally. According to SAMHSA (2014), â€Å"Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear or anxiety that is difficult to control and negatively and substantially impacts daily functioning†. Colleges and Universities are notorious for being high stress environments, thus, it is no surprise that anxiety is reported as the most predominant presenting concern among college students. According to the 2013 annual survey by The†¦show more content†¦Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the best, evidence based treatment for anxiety disorders and recommended by many leading mental health bodies such as the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)(NIMH, 2014; ADAA, 2014). With increasing numbers of students who are sufferi ng from anxiety and tight budgets for mental health services on college campus’, a group format for anxiety treatment is the most cost effective way to treat the vast number of students. Group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) can cut the cost of individual cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) by 40-50%. Not only is GCBT cost effective, but also according to recent studies it has treatment outcomes comparable to Group Proposal This group is for students who suffer from school related anxiety. The group will be a closed, counseling group for any student enrolled, full time, in their college or university program. This group will focus specifically on anxiety associated with school stressors. It will not focus on other sources of anxiety such as job, family and relationships, although these may be identified within the group as being affected by the school stressors. The goal of this group is to help members reduce their anxiety. Some of the objectives to meet this goal are to teach members how to identify and

Monday, December 9, 2019

Operation Management Tasmanian Salmon

Question: Discuss about the Operation Management for Tasmanian Salmon. Answer: Introduction Tasmanian primary industries are the room provides the economic growth of Australia, TASSAL Company is one of the operating company which has played a key role improving the economic growth. Operation management in the company has been used by the company to improve in their performance of producing seafood products which meets the customer demands However, operation management in the company is affecting by different factors which are embraced to limit the economic growth and development of the company. Sustainability is a pragmatic factor which affects the operation management of a company, it refers to the approaches which could be used by the management to create a long term operation strategies that will encouraged the achievement of set goal and objectives. Sustainability represent the business polies and related aspects which focuses on the interest of both local and international market Wide demand and related management of the seafood products considered as the primary factor affecting the operation management of the company. As the company increases in terms of production, customers tend to increase their demand forcing the company to strain in order to meet customer demands. Increase and improvement in market share reflects increases in customer demand, this makes the corporation to operate activities out of their operational management plan. Therefore compelling the company to use extra resources rather than utilizing the plan operational resources, this affect the operation management of the company. Aquaculture is the world fastest developing and growing source of animal proteins, the growth of the industry is estimated to have grown by 60% in the last decades. In relation to the report provided in the growing rate, TASSAL Company is the leading organization which produces large volume of seafood products. The consumers rising demand of 62% has been the company strength since it has the essential measures of meeting the growing demand of the consumers in the market. Reference list Akkerman, R., P, F., M, G. (2010). Quality, safety and sustainability in food distribution: a review of quantitative operations management approaches and challenges. Smith, A. D. (2008). Implementing effective fisheries-management systemsmanagement strategy evaluation and the Australian partnership approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Journal du Conseil, 56(6), 967-979 Wood, E. M. (2001). Collection of coral reef fish for aquaria: global trade, conservation issues and management strategies. Marine Conservation Society. Ross-on-Wye, UK.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Literature review on Language Use

Literature Review In academic arena, English plays a very crucial role especially in institutions whereby it has been used for infinitely long period of time as a medium of instruction. Students are expected to not only communicate effectively in English language. They are also supposed to master its extensive usage so that they can be able to grasp full content in their various fields of study. According to Bacha and Bahous (2008), there is no possibility of excelling in institutions which use English as medium of communication.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literature review on Language Use specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, tremendous effort geared towards learning English language both from the teacher and learner levels is relevant in order to help students overcome academic demands so as to excel in their respective disciplines. Additionally, the acquired skills will assist students in meeting th e demands of English language use in a professional context (Bacha Bahous, 2008). Ismail (2011) explicates that the academic context consign strenuous demands on students as they are required to complete numerous writing tasks in different genres such as essays, research papers and critical reviews. On the other hand, for learners to be able to decipher the different structure and language forms that are most suited for diverse form of texts, they ought to focus on learning the rules of the language that is being used for instruction. Furthermore, in his study on students’ perceptions on writing in ESL, Ismail found out that English plays vital role in initiating students to the wider academic community owing to their improved proficiency and also due to their ability to make distinctions between language activities used in specific genres. Further exploration of students’ perceptions indicated that the kind of attitudes that students held towards ESL either hindered or promoted their writing ability. On the same note, Bacha (2002) underscores that English has been elevated to a higher status around the world owing to the fact that it is the preferred language of use for various specific purposes. Needless to say, English is a preferred medium of instruction in many academic institutions across the globe bearing in mind that even the non-English speaking countries have adopted English in their academic curriculum. For this reason, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in Arab world as well as from other parts of the globe have little alternative but to learn English despite the difficulties they encounter in the course of learning. In spite of the fact that L1 (Arabic) has a role to play in students life, it is imperative to mention that English for academic purposes is very crucial not just to outshine in academic field, but also to fit in the global arena whereby it is the main language of communication. Concurrently, this current resea rch offers an in-depth exploration on the use of English for purpose of academic learning and of course the acquisition of knowledge. In addition, it also highlights the difficulties Arabic speakers encounter in the course of switching between Arabic for social use and English for academic purposes.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Scholars interested in English for specific purposes (ESP) discipline tend to prefer the usage of two distinct subdivisions to distinguish between the use of English in academic (English for academic purposes (EAP) and the language use in occupational contexts (English for occupational purposes (EOP) (Gillett Wray, 2006). Besides, Gillett and Wray accentuate that the aspiration of ESP is to equip students with the necessary skills to communicate, write and read. Notwithstanding, the period of preparation is very short, but the skills are relevant to promote success in academics. However, success in mastery of ESP is only achieved if activities of ESP are demonstrated in the context as it is the case in academic institutions. Moreover, the materials for teaching ESP ought to be authentic to enable students to grasp vital skills for a smooth transition into the employment world. Similarly, Fender (2008) in his research unearthed several characteristics of ESP which includes ESP materials that are designed to meet specific learners’ needs such as academic. Conversely, the methodology for designing such materials is tailored towards the specialized purpose. Needless to say, the aim of EPS should be focused, not just on teaching the lexicon, grammar and registers in a particular discipline, but should also provide skills on the appropriate use of the above activities. English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) In yet another development of this language, EOP falls under three categories namely business English, professional English and vocational English. The importance of English in occupational fields has been accentuated via several studies. One such study is by Fender (2008) that emphasized the necessity for learning above average English skills to facilitate communication in every profession. Furthermore, the two aforementioned authors provide indisputable solutions that ESL students can employ to overcome communication barriers in their respective business and management professions. Likewise, Gilmore (2009) points out that many students find it extremely challenging to produce written texts in their language and the challenges worsens when they are required to write in a second language and specifically to EFL learners. He adds that the widely usage of English language in business and academic environment can be directly linked to the gradual revolution heightened by globalization. As a matter of fact, Huang (2008) study supported Gilmore observation by accentuating that the spread of English usage is like ly to be accelerated by its’ widespread usage in mass communication, internet and business dealings. He further emphasizes that on a day to day basis, thousands of deals in trade, journalism, politics etc are conducted in English whereas the parties involved are non-native speakers of English. As a result, the necessity to equip the users with the relevant English competence skills cannot be overemphasized of which this is the main concern of the current study.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literature review on Language Use specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, Huang study revealed that test scores for tasks written in English varied between the ESL learners and native speakers of English, whereby native speakers scores higher than ESL learners. Huang attributed these findings to the fact that ESL learners’ performance was limited for reasons not explained in his study. However, his find ings positively indicate the concept of using ESP in academics poses tremendous hardship to ESL students. Moreover, Puvenesvary (2003) research revealed that poorly-written business letters caused grievous harm to a business. His study which was conducted in the banking sector in Malasyia further portrays that ESP is a valuable skill not just in academics but also in professional arena. Challenges in reading and speaking in ESP for academic learners Research among Arab students has indicated that they face similar or more adverse challenges while reading and speaking in ESP. Obviously, in academic institutions, students are expected to communicate with their fellow learners as well as participate in both oral and reading classroom presentations. Similarly, they are also expected to have above average reading skills to enhance performance in academic tasks. However, most ESP learners posses below average skills in reading and speaking as cited by Jdetawy (2011). The aim of his resear ch was to conduct a conceptual review of challenges faced by Arab learners while using ESP in academic setting. A thorough review of literature exposes the reality that Arab ESL students faced serious problems while using ESP in academics and the problems impacted on all areas of language skills, i.e. speaking, reading, writing and listening (Jdetawy, 2011). The above current study concurs with a prior study by Savas (2009). Although Savas’ study aimed at unearthing learners’ challenges as perceived by their teachers, the two studies arrived at similar findings. Savas (2009) highlights that L2 learners of English face serious challenges while using ESP in accomplishing academic tasks such as writing, speaking, reading and listening. Interesting though, this study partly blame inadequacy of teaching methods as having contributed to the acquisition of below average linguistic skills in English. Problems faced by Arabic speakers in ESL learning for academic purposes On th e same note, learners of L2 face many problems and Arab learners are no exception. Needless to say, these problems have caught the interest of various linguistic scholars due to their regular occurrences in both written and spoken English. As a result, numerous studies (Hisham, 2008; Rababbah, 2003; Kobayashi Rinnert, 2002) have been carried out to investigate some of the common and chronic problems faced by Arab learners in the process of acquiring L2 (English). To expound on the same, Kobayashi and Rinnert (2002) study attempted to investigate the effects of extensive and intensive L1 training in high school and how students transferred L1 knowledge while writing in L2. The study indicated that students tended to transfer knowledge in L1 to L2 and as a result committed weighty lexical errors during the writing process. However, errors in writing could be minimized if the students acquired the best writing strategy in L1 as they could transfer the same skills L2.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, Kobayashi and Rinnert explanation ignores the fact that most of the errors of writing in L2 arise not because of the acquired writing strategies, but also because the mastery of L2 is restricted. Rababah (2003) extended his study further to identify the various reasons that could be attributed to these EFL learning problems. First of all, he identified that the problems of EFL among Arab learners arose because English language teachers were native speakers of Arabic; hence their performance and competence in English was likely to be restricted. In addition, use of English was not a common experience among Arab speakers bearing in mind that they also had little interaction with native English speakers. Consequently, Hisham (2008) investigated business students at the University of Utara Malaysia and pointed out that EFL learner encounter problems in vocabulary register, grammar and referencing. As a matter of fact, Umair (2011) reinforces the above discourse by res tating that Arabic native speakers encountered many problems while undertaking writing courses in English. In deed, the composition of learners in academic institution is very diverse and as well their multilevel ability in writing also varied. As a result, the lack of uniformity further accelerated the problems of competent writing for both teachers and students (ibid). Umair further explains that the diversified composition of learners in terms of abilities made it impossible for teachers to meet the needs of every learner. Additionally, Bacha (2002) reviewed past literature that is highly relevant to the current study owing to the fact that it identified the major problems that L2 learners encountered while writing for academic purposes. Moreover, the study pointed out that writing skills among L2 learners were restricted following their limitation of lexical variety and lack of subordination elements. Consequently, the importance of employing the appropriate methodology while te aching ESP cannot be overstated. Having established that there are various and grievous problems in ESL learning, L2 practitioners have been a search of comprehensive theory that would be employed to teach L2 in an attempt to minimize or eliminate problems that originated from poor teaching methodologies. As a result three major theories have been proposed which can be employed to guide learners in the process of writing in order to promote mastery of skills among ESP learners for academic purposes. Integral theories applied in the teaching of ESP One of the most important theories is that which touches on rhetorical drills and syntax. It is referred to as product theory and they are all important in assisting the process of writing (Badger White, 2000). As the name suggests, this theory is concerned with the final written product and eschews from establishing how the writing skills are acquired. Badger and White also exemplifies that the written product is a clear indicator of the level of structure skills of the target language (TL) that the learner have mastered. Moreover, the written product indicates the level of imitated input since L2 learning is a matter of imitation. Badger and White also explains that if students are exposed to written model texts their level of errors is likely to subside and vice versa. This is because as students focus on model texts they also focus on form and structure out of which they imitate the ideal writing skills. In addition, the students should be exposed to various exercises based on the model texts, and concurrently their level of mastered should be evaluated based on replicated product. On the contrary, process theory approach focuses on the identification of procedure employed to arrive at the final written text without any consideration of the appearance of this final product (Hyland, 2003). This indicates that this theory is more concerned with teaching methods that learner of ESP is exposed to so as to acquire wr iting skills in the target language. The author expounds that the various elements in the learning of English language such as drafting, actual writing carrying out revision as well as assessment and evaluation are all related to the theory. Henceforth, instructors are supposed to introduce the students to techniques that enhance success in writing. Therefore, students are taken through rewriting, revision and editing until the instructor is satisfied with the final draft. On the same note, it important to acknowledge a more recent research that sought to highlight the meta-cognitive strategic that Arab students employed while reading comprehension both in Arabic and English that was doe by Alsheikh and Mokhtari (2011). The study indicates serious implications for teaching and assessment on academic institutions since the researchers established that participants were more concerned with strategies than end products. Therefore, the study further reinforces the process theory that st rategy or mechanisms employed in teaching writing determines the quality of end-product. Finally, genre theory approach was proposed in an attempt to provide mechanisms to promote successful learning of ESP in the academic arena especially in writing. According to Badger and White (2000), this approach largely deals with studying the social context in which writing materials are produced. Generally, this theory considers the communicative events where written materials are produced. In the academic context, the process whereby a lecturer interacts with his/her students in the process of teaching is considered to be relevant while teaching writing skills in target language. Flowerdew and Peacock (2001) also explained that in this context, students are free to choose their own topic and write on them, while ensuring that their written texts fulfill the intended communicative purpose. Concurrently, Flowerdew and Peacock (2001) perceive this approach as the most significant due to its d ynamic nature as well as varied characteristics across disciplines, time and instructors. However, the approach might not be successful since it requires collaboration between lecturers and students, a situation which may sometimes be unattainable. In this case, the teacher assumes an authoritative position as he/she guides learners towards an elevated performance level of ESP (Paltridge, 2001). References Alsheikh, N.O. Mokhtari, K. (2011). An Examination of the Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by Native Speakers of Arabic When Reading in English and Arabic. English Language Teaching, 4(2), 151-161. Bacha, N.N. (2002). Developing Learners’ Academic Writing Skills in Higher Education: A Study for Educational Reform. Language and Education, 16(3): 161-178. Bacha, N.N., Bahous, R. (2008). Contrasting views of business students’ writing needs in an EFL environment. English for Specific Purposes 27, 74-93. Badger, R. G. White. (2000). A process-genre approach to te aching writing. ELT Journal 54(2), 153-160. Fender, M. 2008. Spelling knowledge and reading development: Insights from Arab ESL learners, Reading in a foreign language, 20(2), 19-26. Flowerdew, J. Peacock, M. (Eds.) (2001). Research Perspectives on English for Academic Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gillett, A Wray, L. (2006). ‘EAP and Success’ in Assessing the Effectiveness of EAP Programmes, BALEAP. Gilmore, A. (2009). Using online corpora to develop students’ writing skills. ELT Journal, 63(4), 363-372. Hisham, D. (2008). Needs Analysis of Arab graduate students in the area of EAP: A case study of the ICT program at UUM. Unpublished minor thesis. Sintok: University Utara Malaysia Press. Huang, J. (2008).How Accurate are ESL students’ holistic writing scores on large-scale assessments? A generalizability theory approach. Assessing Writing, 13(3), 201- 218. Hyland, K. (2003). Genre-based pedagogies: A social response to process. Journ al of Second Language Writing, 12: 17-29. Ismail, S. A. A. (2011). Exploring Students’ Perceptions of ESL Writing. English Language Teaching, 4(2): 73-84. Jdetawy, L. F. A. (2011). Problems encountered by Arab EFL learners. Language in India, 11(3), 19-28. Kobayash, H. Rinnert, C. (2002). High school perceptions of first language literacy instruction: Implications for second language writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 11(2), 91-116 Paltridge, B. (2001). Genre, text type and the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classroom. In A. M. Johns (Ed.), Genre in the Classroom. Mahwah: Erlbaum. Puvenesvary, M. (2003). A comparative study of the criteria employed by academics and workplace professionals in evaluating business correspondence. Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy, Thesis, Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. Rabab’ah, G. (2003). Communicating Problems Facing Arab Learners of English. Journal o f Language and Learning 3(1), 180-197. Savas, B. (2009). Role of Functional Academic Literacy In ESP teaching: ESP Teacher Training in Turkey for sustainable development. Journal of International Social research, 2(9), 396-408. Umair, N. (2011). Problems of Multi-ability Academic English Writing Classes in Arab Countries. Arab World English Journal, 2(2), 230-242. This essay on Literature review on Language Use was written and submitted by user Damian Houston to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Critical Thinking and Ethics Essays (614 words) - Thought

Critical Thinking and Ethics Essays (614 words) - Thought Critical Thinking and Ethics Victoria Mullally GEN/201 June 1, 2015 Kimberly Drager Critical thinking ethics, who can keep up? Defining these terms individually and together is one way to helping understand what they are and how they can help you as a student and a growing individual. Everyone could give a different answer to the question What is critical thinking? The way I would define it is thinking about things to find new meaning. Asking the w questions is a great way to start. Making sure you can find fact from fiction and informing yourself of such are just a few other benefits of critical thinking. According to "Defining Critical Thinking" (1987), Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing (para. 2). Sounds simple enough- ask questions and get a deeper understanding of what youre asking. Let me just say it may sound easy but there are steps to take when using the critical thinking process. The process of critical thinking requires remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. (Ellis, 2014, p. 205). Each of these steps is a different level of your ability to think critically. You may not have them down in order, you may be better at some steps then others, just remember if you practice thinking with each of these steps you will be on your way to using critical thinking in your everyday life. Applying personal ethics is just as important as using the critical thinking process. Ethics is what you think is right and wrong. Each person has a different style of ethics that is important to them. Ethics are used every day and everywhere. In a professional setting ethics are used to make decision that can affect the entire workplace. I believe this is the reason there should be more than one boss at a company. If only one person uses their personal ethics to make a decision then many others could be affected in a negative way. If more than one person uses their personal ethics to make a decision they can come to a compromise that will work for everyone. The same can be said in social matters. The people of a community have to work together to create an environment we can all be a part of. If people of a community cant come to compromise there would be chaos. On a personal level I prefer to use what is called a relationship lens. This means I care more about the fairness and equality of each person then I do about those with more power. I am said to be blind to equality. I believe in the process of equality too much that I will be blind to the fact that there is a chance of inequality even if the process is fair. Because of these beliefs making decisions, for me, is usually based on how my decision will affect others. I care too much for the treatment of others and equality. I want everyone in any situation to have the same rights, responsibilities, and care for eachother. If I have to make an important decision I want the input from the people around me. In the long run this could also be a downfall for me because the people closest to me become exempt from the equality I desire for everyone. Using ethics and critical thinking together to get through anything in life is going to take practice. Once you understand your personal thought process and the ethics you use to make decisions you will be better off. References Defining Critical Thinking. (1987). Retrieved from Ellis, Dave. Becoming a Master Student, 15e, 15th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2014. VitalBook file

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Womens Strike for Equality on August 26, 1970

Women's Strike for Equality on August 26, 1970 The Women’s Strike for Equality was a nationwide demonstration for women’s rights held on August 26, 1970, the 50th anniversary of women’s suffrage. It was described by Time magazine as â€Å"the first big demonstration of the Women’s Liberation movement.†Ã‚  The leadership called the object of the rallies the unfinished business of equality. Organized by NOW The Women’s Strike for Equality was organized by the National Organization for Women (NOW) and its then-president Betty Friedan. At a NOW conference in March 1970, Betty Friedan called for the Strike for Equality, asking women to stop working for a day to draw attention to the prevalent problem of unequal pay for women’s work. She then headed the National Women’s Strike Coalition to organize the protest, which used â€Å"Don’t Iron While the Strike is Hot!† among other slogans. Fifty years after women were granted the right to vote in the United States, feminists were again taking a political message to their government and demanding equality and more political power. The Equal Rights Amendment was being discussed in Congress, and the protesting women warned politicians to pay attention or risk losing their seats in the next election. Nationwide Demonstrations The Women’s Strike for Equality took various forms in more than ninety cities across the United States.  Here are a few examples: New York, home to radical feminist groups such as New York Radical Women and Redstockings, had the largest protest. Tens of thousands marched down Fifth Avenue; others demonstrated at the Statue of Liberty and stopped the stock ticker on Wall Street.  New York City issued a proclamation declaring Equality Day.Los Angeles had a smaller protest, numbering in the hundreds, including women who stood holding a vigil for women’s rights.In Washington D.C., women marched on Connecticut Avenue with a banner that read â€Å"We Demand Equality† and lobbied for the Equal Rights Amendment.  Petitions with more than 1,500 names were presented to the Senate majority leader and minority floor leader.Detroit women who worked at the Detroit Free Press kicked men out of one of their restrooms, protesting the fact that men had two bathrooms while women had one.Women who worked for a New Orleans newspaper ran pictures of the grooms instead of the brides in engagement announcements.Inter national Solidarity: French women marched in Paris, and Dutch women marched at the U.S. embassy in Amsterdam. Nationwide Attention Some people called the demonstrators anti-feminine or even Communist. The Womens Strike for Equality made the front page of national newspapers such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune. It was also covered by the three broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC, which was the pinnacle of extensive television news coverage in 1970.   The Women’s Strike for Equality is often remembered as the first major protest of the Women’s Liberation movement, even though there had been other protests by feminists, some of which also received media attention. The Women’s Strike for Equality was the largest protest for women’s rights at that time. Legacy The next year, Congress passed a resolution declaring August 26  Women’s Equality Day.  Bella Abzug  was inspired by the Womens Strike for Equality to introduce the bill promoting the holiday. Signs of the Times Some articles from the  New York Times  from the time of the demonstrations illustrate some of the context of the Womens Strike for Equality. The  New York Times  featured an article a few days before the August 26 rallies and anniversary titled Liberation Yesterday: The Roots of the Feminist Movement.  Under a photograph of suffragettes [sic] marching down Fifth Avenue, the paper also asked the question: Fifty years ago,  they won the vote. Did they throw victory away?  The article pointed to both the earlier and the then-current feminist movements as rooted in work for civil rights, peace, and radical politics, and noted that the womens movement both times was rooted in recognizing that both black people and women were treated as second-class citizens. Press Coverage In an article on the day of the march, the  Times  noted that Traditional Groups Prefer to Ignore Womens Lib.  The problem for such groups as the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Womens Christian Temperance Union, the League of Women Voters, The Junior League and the Young Womens Christian Association is what attitude to take toward the militant womens liberation movement.   The article included quotes about ridiculous exhibitionists and a band of wild lesbians. The article quoted Mrs. Saul Schary [sic] of the National Council of Women: Theres no discrimination against women like they say there is. Women themselves are just self-limiting. Its in their nature and they shouldnt blame it on society or men. In the kind of paternalistic belittling of the feminist movement and women that feminism criticized, a headline the next day in the  New York Times  noted that Betty Friedan was 20 minutes late for her appearance at the Womens Strike for Equality: Leading Feminist Puts Hairdo Before Strike.  the article also noted what she wore and where shed purchased it, and that he had her hair done at the Vidal Sassoon Salon on Madison Avenue.   She was quoted saying I dont want people to think Womens Lib girls dont care about how they look. We should try to be as pretty as we can. Its good for our self-image and its good politics.  The article noted that The vast majority of women interviewed strongly endorsed the traditional concept of woman as a mother and a homemaker who can, and sometimes even should, supplement these activities with a career or with volunteer work. In yet another article, the  New York Times  asked two women partners in Wall Street firms what they thought of picketing, denouncing men and bra-burning?  Muriel F. Siebert, chairman [sic] of Muriel F. Siebert Co., replied: I like men and I like brassieres. She was also quoted saying Theres no reason to go to college, get married and then stop thinking. People should be able to do what theyre capable of doing and theres no reason why a woman doing the same job as a man should be paid less. This article has been edited by and considerable additional material added by Jone Johnson Lewis.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Impacts of Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss as a Mathematician Term Paper

Impacts of Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss as a Mathematician - Term Paper Example In his lifetime, Gauss had hardly made a contribution to the field of mathematics. It is said that the German mathematician was aloof to the pubic world of the mathematicians notable in his days. Gauss only communicated to a few of his trusted friends who were also strongly inclined to mathematics. Besides Bolyai, Schumacher was one of Gauss’s trusted correspondence in which the latter confided to the former about his spending a â€Å"considerable time on geometry† (Tent, 2006, p. 214). On the other hand, upon the death of the gifted mathematician -- and the subsequent discovery of his mathematical notes and ideas -- the world of mathematics had never been the same. Particularly his contribution to the shaping of the so-called non-Euclidean geometry, Gauss had made an impact to the sphere of geometry. His schoolmate Bolyai had asked him, for several times, pertaining to his view to Euclid’s fifth postulate -- also known as the parallel postulate. But Gauss did no t disclose his discovery concerning the existence of the non-Euclidean geometry for the reason that he did not want to â€Å"rock the boat† (Tent, 2006, p. 215). True, Gauss’s non-Euclidean geometry -- first he called it as anti-Euclidean -- had caused a stir in the area of mathematics marked in the late 18th century. Non-Euclidean geometry is basically defined as an area in geometry in which Euclid’s first four postulates are held but the fifth postulate has a quite different and distinct version in contrast to what is stated in the Elements (Weisstein, 2011). Among various versions of non-Euclidean geometry, the so-called hyperbolic geometry is where Gauss belongs to. In one of their conversations, Gauss revealed to Schumacher about his anti-Euclidean geometry: â€Å"I realized that there also had to be triangles whose three angles add up to more or less than 1800 in the non-Euclidean world. I had it all mapped out† (Tent, 2006, 214, my italics). Here, Gauss categorized the fundamental elements of his newly found mathematics. That is to say, Gauss’s non-Euclidean geometry is a departure from two-dimensional geometry characterized in Euclidean mathematics. Gauss’s hyperbolic geometry, in fact, works greatly in three-dimensional geometry or space. Thence, the impact of Gauss’s mathematical discovery, if not innovation, was quite evident especially within the field of mathematics. For one, Gauss had opened up a new world or knowledge about the wider space or scope of mathematics, particularly geometry. That is, man does not live in a narrow two-dimensional space. Based from this paradigm (i.e., hyperbolic geometry), one can explore the multifarious possibilities laid open by non-Euclidean geometry. Perhaps the greatest impact of Gauss’s hyperbolic mathematics is found in the sphere of astronomy. In 1801, for instance, Gauss’s mathematics had greatly facilitated the discovery of a dwarf planet named Ceres (Tyson, 2004). Evidently, this is the triumph of mathematics. Utilizing the non-Euclidean geometry, it became possible for man to calculate the universe even without the use of advanced technology such as the telescope. Using Gauss’s hyperbolic geometry, man is able to see the cosmos beyond the Euclidean geometry can offer. Space, after all, is three-dimensional -- be it space in/on earth or in the universe. Generally, non-Euclidean geo

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Chinese Contract Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chinese Contract Law - Essay Example China views this as a way of enhancing political stability. Labor and business interest groups have been the most affected by the contact law. Many businesses have been forced to close as the cost of production increased. History and role of contract law Contracts are perceived to be the backbone of any market economy. China adopted a contract law in 1999. The law was divided into general and specific provisions. Besides, the contract law had supplementary provisions. The Chinese borrowed heavily from UNIDROIT principles. The laws had been drafted to cover a wide scope of contract issues. However, the Chinese needed a superior law that would sustain the economic growth. This led to enactment of another contract law in 2008. Contractual relationships are the essence of business transactions. Many countries agree that one of the keys of economic development is contact enforceability (Chow 2002). The usage of credit and capital is critical to the mechanism of market economy (Glinow & Te agarden 1988). Contracts are enforceable in a court of law, and this secures the possibility of credit sales. Weber argues that rationalization is one of the major characteristics of the modern society. Tasks are completed through broken down processes. The specialized rules are accessed in terms of the exact figures. Through this, future events are managed in a rational way. The process enables large-scale transactions to be conducted (Kitch 1980). A telling example is modern accounting. Accounts are broken down in balance sheets. This is followed by profit and loss accounts. The financial status of a business can be explained in terms of assets and liabilities (Zhang 2006). This explains when contract law is viewed as influential when it comes to economic and infrastructural development. China is no longer a place where cheap knock off products are developed (Jespersen & Skjoett-Larsen 2003). Although the practice of producing counterfeits continues, the quality of modern counterf eits is improved tremendously. The Chinese contact law puts immense emphasis on the clarity of contracts. Article 12 stipulates and describes what the contents of a written contract should be. Advantages of contract law China is nearly meeting the international standards when it comes to contractual legislation. The contract law has eliminated ambiguities when it comes to guidelines on entering into contractual agreements in China. Therefore, the outcome of foreign business contracts is predictable. Benefits The major provision of that gives credible interpretation to Chinese contact law is article 125. The contractual obligations can be supplemented through the provisions of the law (Yongping & Weidi 2008). This occurs when something vital fails to be captured in a contract. Some of those sources include the provision of laws, principle of good faith and transaction usage (Yongping & Weidi 2008). Articles 5 and 6 are firm on the concepts of good faith and fairness. These are some o f the benefits of the Chinese contract laws to the foreigners (Jespersen & Skjoett-Larsen 2003). There is an intentional move by the Chinese contract law to create a conducive environment for the foreigners. However, some of the provisions of the new law have an impact on the profitability of the foreign businesses. The article 92 of the Chinese contract law governs post contractual duties between the involved parties. The article suggests an employee is expected to act in a reasonable way

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The American Life Style and fast food Essay Example for Free

The American Life Style and fast food Essay How much fast food do you guess you eat a month? The average American eats about 50lbs worth, that’s more than most children in 3rd world countries eat in total in 3 monthsWill you follow everyone else or will you stray from the beaten path, and dare to be different? Dare to be your own person? Or will you crumple from the influences and pressures of society? The truth is no matter how much you tell yourself that you are going to be independent and make your own choices and decisions regardless of what other people thing, every choice and decision you make are influenced by the people around you and the experiences you have faced. It is for this reason that accomplishing this task can be very challenging, however it is possible. And when you finally figure out who you are and what your values and morals it is believed you have finally â€Å"come of age†. A prime example of this would be in the fiction novel written by Mark Twain, the main character Huckleberry, also referred to as Huck runs away from home because the confines of society proved to be too overwhelming for Huck. On the run Huck meets a runaway slave named Jim and decides to help Jim escape with him despite the fact that he was raised and taught to be believe that slavery was a good thing and it is especially forbidden to help one to escape. It was for this reason that Huck struggles to see the blurred line between right and wrong. As Huck and Jim venture down the Mississippi River, Huck is introduced to many new experiences and is forced to make decisions that make him question his very own ideals, however it is those very own experiences and challenges that help him grow as a person and ultimately allows him to discover who he truly is as he himself comes of age. One of the many instances Huck is forced to make a difficult decision is when he encounters 3 murderers looting a shipwreck he and Jim came across while floating down the Mississippi. Huck overheard 2 of the murderers planning on stranding the other one on the wreck and taking his share of the loot, so he says â€Å"Quick, Jim, ain’t no time for fooling around and moaning;  there’s a gang of murderers in yonder, and if we don’t hunt up their boat and set her drifting down the river so these fellows can’t get away from the wreck, there’s one of’em going to be in a bad fix. But if we find their boat we can put all of’em in a bad fix† (pg.52) Huck originally plans to steal the murderer’s canoe so that none of them will be able to escape the wreck. However Huck starts to feel guilty as they start to float away from the wreck â€Å"Jim manned the oars, and we took out after our raft. Now was the first time that I begun to w orry about the men- I reckon I hadn’t had time to before. I begun to think how dreadful it was, even for murderers, to be in such a fix. I says to myself, there ain’t no telling but I might come to be a murderer myself, yet, and then how would I like it.†(pg.54) ,this is a crucial change in Huck because all his life he had wanted to be in a gang and kill people, but now that he felt he would be responsible for the murderer’s deaths he realized he was misguided and cannot handle the quilt if committing such an act. Finally Huck gives into his guilt and decides he could not live with himself if he left them there to die so he told Jim â€Å"At first light we will land and I’ll go fix up some kind of yarn and get somebody to go fetch that gang and get them out of their scrape.†(pg.55) Huck realizes that what they have done is wrong but if he had left them there he would be no better than they were. Huck learns something about himself on that wreck; he learns that the life he once wanted was not the life he was cut out for. Huck’s fight between his conscience and society greatens when he encounters a group of slave hunters. Huck feels guilty for helping Jim escape and starts to regret it, so Huck thinks things over in is head â€Å"Jim said it made him over trembly and feverish to be so close to freedom, well I can tell you it made me all trembly and feverish too, to hear that he was most free- and to blame for it? Why me! I couldn’t get that thought out of my conscience no how nor no way†(pg.66). It becomes obvious that Huck is torn between doing what is considered right and turning Jim in or what a part of him feels would be right and protect him. This conflict keeps eating away at Huck until he cannot take any more of it when he says â€Å"my conscience got to stirring me up hotter than ever†(pg.67) However the pressure of society finally get to Huck â€Å" until at last I say to it â€Å"let up on me- it ain’t too  late ill paddle ashore at first light, and te ll.† I felt easy, and happy and light as a feather; right off all my troubles was gone†. Huck convinces himself that turning in Jim is right thing to do. However as he approaches the slave hunters Huck realize he cannot do it. â€Å"What’s that yonder?† the slave hunters asked Huck. â€Å"Well there’s five niggers run off tonight, up yonder above the head of that bend. Is your man white or black?†(pg.68). Huck makes the conscious decision to lie to the slave hunters although it is not clear why â€Å"I didn’t answer up prompt I tried to, but the words wouldn’t come. I tried for a second or two, to brace up and out with it, but I warnt man- enough hadn’t the spunk of a rabbit. I see I was weakening; so I just give up trying, and up and says- â€Å"He’s white†(pg.68). Huck lies to protect Jim. Maybe he does this because he feels sympathetic for Jim and his family, or maybe Huck finally remembers that Jim has looked out for him and cared for him during their whole journey and realizes Jim is his only true friend, or it could be as simple as the fact that he made a promise to Jim not to betray him and Huck does not want to brake that promise. Whatever the reason this is a huge step for Huck when he decides not to turn Jim into the slave hunters and really allows him to slowly start to break loose from society and form his own morals. However despite Huck’s former breakthrough, Huck struggles to make peace with his conscience and the pressures of society get to him once again. To help ease himself Huck tries convince himself that it would just be for Jim if he was a slave. â€Å"Once I said to myself it would be better for Jim to be a slave at home where his family was as long as he got to be a slave and so I’d better write a letter to Tom Sawyer and tell him to tell Miss Watson where he was†(pg.160) Even though Huck is concerned that Jim might be punished for running away he still decides to write a letter hoping it will clear his conscience. Then Huck starts to think about what he’s done and what consequences he will face for his actions, â€Å"everybody naturally despises an ungrateful nigger and they’d make Jim feel it all the time and so he’d feel ornery and discouraged and then think of me! It would get all around that Huck Finn helped a nigger get his freedom and i f I was to ever see anybody from that town again id be ready to get down and lick his for shame†(pg.160), here starts to regret helping Jim escape and begins to worry  about what people will think of him when he returns home and hopes that he will be accepted into society again. With the hope that it will right the wrongs that he has done Huck decides to go on and write the letter here â€Å"I would do the right thing and the clean thing, and go and write to that niggers owner and tell where he was. I’ll go and write the letter then see if I can pray, why it was astonishing the way I felt as light as a feather right straight off and my troubles all gone, so I got a piece of paper and a pencil all glad and excited and set down and wrote. I felt all good and all washes clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life†(pg.161) This feeling of cleanliness helps assure Huck that he has done the right thing in the views of society. However Huck’s feeling of decency soon dissipates, â€Å"I happened to look around and see that paper, it was in a close place I took it in my hand, I was trembling because I got to forever betwixt two things, and I knowed it, I studied it a minute sort of holding my breath and then says to myself â₠¬Å"Alright then I’ll go to Hell† and tore it up†(pg.161) Huck finally decides he cannot bring himself to betray his only conscience and that he’d rather go to hell then do so. This is the point in Huck’s journey where he truly becomes his own person, where he breaks from the confines of society and decides to do what he in his heart feels is right not what other people think is right. This is an important decision for Huck and a crucial point in Huck’s life because growing up he was taught that slavery was a good thing and that African Americans were nothing but property as most boys were taught during that time period. However Huck discovers after meeting Jim that there is so much more to them, that they are a kind, and caring and sophisticated and loving people and that in turn helps Huck discover a little more about himself as well when he decides not to turn Jim in even though anyone else would have. Huck’s battles between his conscience and society force him to choose between being a part of society and becoming his own person, and while on his journey down the Mississippi with Jim he decides to be his own person and choose his own morals and values and by the end of his adventure he finally came of age with each experience along the way helping him grow as a person, whether it be near the beginning of the journey where he encounters a gang of murderers on a shipwreck and instead of leaving them there to die he decides to send help for them, or it be near half way through his journey where he comes  across a group of slave hunters and rather than turn Jim in, he lies to protect him even though the â€Å"right† thing to do would’ve been to turn him in. Or even near the end where he almost breaks his promise and betrays Jim when he writes a letter to Tom Sawyer telling him where Jim is, but instead of sending the letter he tears it up and decides to finish h elping Jim escape even if it means he’ll go to hell. All of these events are important in helping Huck create his own sense of right and wrong and in many ways, come of age.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

THINGS FALL APART Essay examples -- essays research papers

Summary and Analysis of: Things Fall Apart   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many lessons that we learn in life. Chinua Achebe?s Things Fall Apart teaches one of life?s greatest lesson. True, lasting happiness matters more than ones social rank or ones rank of wealth. Okonkwo, who is the main character in this book, is trying his best to be the man that is father was not. His father was a well known bum and a man who owed a lot of debts. Okonkwo felt that men are always suppose to be strong, leaders, and do what people perceive are typical male tasks. But his father, Unoka, did not fit his description of what he felt a real man should be. He was ashamed of his father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Okonkwo had an obsession. His obsession was his pride. And this led to him losing his head and everything that worked so had to obtain. One of his greatest fears that were portrayed in this book was that of showing any type of emotions, affection, or sorrow. He felt that showing them would make him look weak. It is okay to express yourself. That is part of being human. To protect his own image Okonkwo would do anything. He began to search for wealth and status by asking other villagers who were wealthy for support. He was loaned seed yams. This was just enough for him to begin a productive crop. He had to start at the bottom and work his way up to the top. He was able to do just that. He gained a very high standing in the Ibo tribe. And his ultimate goal was to become an elde...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ethical Practices of Computer and Internet Technology

Computer and Internet technology use In the workplace gives rise to questionable ethical practices among employees as well as managers. For the last three (plus) decades the increasing availability and advances in technology has improved productivity; however the use of computers and Internet in the workplace leads to temptation to misuse the resource for personal gain.Employees and managers accessing private employee information for personal gain, improper data access to hose who are not privy to it and software copying were a few of the concerns discussed in the 30 year old article Computer Ethics: Questions Arise on Misuse in Business (Pollack, 1983). The social media boom of the last decade has brought with It additional questionable ethical violations In the workplace. Time stealing Is discussed in the New York Times online article Opting to Blow the Whistle or Choosing to Walk Away (Tugged, 2013).It states, â€Å"According to the Ethics Resource Center, a nonprofit research or ganization, the No. Misconduct observed ? by a third of 4,800 respondents ? was misuse of company time† (Tugged, 2013 Para. 4). Eric Swenson discusses the stealing of time through excessive personal use of Internet streaming and social media in his video Business Ethics & Stealing Time, by Eric Swenson, Demand Media Video (Swenson, n. D. ). In the words of Eric Swenson, misuse of company time Is time stealing. According to a study conducted by Eric Swenson, â€Å"The average employee in a white collar business spends 3. Hours daily on personal internet usage† (Swenson, n. D. ) However, he broaches the question does this matter? He calls the workers of the present and future, 2020 to be exact, â€Å"millennial employees who want to be connected and be Involved socially' (Swenson, n. D. ) Swenson states that employees now want to be online streaming videos, media, and music. Is this the way people work today? The consideration he gives is that he is more concerned about the productivity of the employee versus the exact method or use of time that it takes to get the work accomplished.My conclusion Is there Is definitely an ethical line to be drawn in personal use of computers and Internet technology within the work place. I would ascertain that if privacy is violated for personal gain or technology or work product is stolen as stated in the first article, it is most definitely ethical violation. As far time stealing, where the line gets fuzzier, It should be Judged on whether the time spent on Internet or social media has any impact on the productivity of the employee or benefit to their specific job.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Critique of Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich

Barbara Ehrenreich’s book, Nickel and Dimed, was certainly a wonderful read and is verily able to open the reader’s eyes to a reality that is usually set aside by many. The book was originally a compilation of her researches as she went undercover to write about people who had to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Those people whose wages were below the minimum wage and were so busy with work they were not able to pursue their own interests and who were also supporting dependents. As a whole, the author was able to document her experiences as she wrote in her journal her everyday experiences. Through this, the readers were able to have a glimpse into the lives of people she had worked with as a waitress at Florida, a healthcare aide at Maine and a salesperson of Wal-Mart at Minnesota. To be able to do this properly, though, she had to fake her qualifications and disguise her motives from her fellow workers. As a journalist, she also had to restrain herself from pointing out her political views to her colleagues. I think her method of studying the people may have some flaws, some biases. Below would be several of them. First of all, she wasn’t really like them. These people has had different experiences and lived in a different environment unlike hers. Such factors would have made an impact on how the subjects would act as people, as workers. The author mentioned that her co-workers didn’t even ask about insurance or other possible benefits included on the job they were on and just accepted what their boss said. If the workers were people who knew about such things, they would probably ask. Then, again, even if they knew, most of them would not have time to think about such benefits as a whole because they would be too busy trying to ake ends meet anyway. Then, as one who had to experience the life of a poor worker, she was not able to live out the role very well. One, she did not have anyone who depended on her earnings—no family or siblings, unlike most of the subjects she studied. She did not feed anyone else other than herself nor did she have to consider the medical problems of other people. The author also did not trust religious organizations even when her coworkers were telling her that it would be a great help. She always refused to accept money from charities and other such organizations. People in actual situations would not be refusing such help; in fact, they would have been the ones who would be asking for help from such organizations, whether they believed in its cause or not. She also insisted on living alone, thus pay her rent by herself. She always seemed to talk about this issue but was never really able to solve such an easy problem. Real people would have gone and looked for roommates to share the rent of the house. That way, she could have saved more money and may even develop a relationship with other people. The last part of the statement was also one of the things she failed to do. Humans are social beings, that’s a fact even when there are a few who say they prefer to live alone. All people need each other and so far, the human race is progressing because of helping each other. The same principle still happens and is certainly one of the most effective ways to survive—to help one another. The author, unfortunately, was not able to build a proper relationship with her co-workers. She was not able to build a support network which most people actually have. I believe that this is one of the most vital parts in the lives of the working class. Yeah, they may be feeding more mouths and spending more, but the human companionship, the support, these extra people are giving to the workers actually motivate them to go on fighting and working. There was also this part on the book where she walks out in the middle of her shift as a worker in a restaurant just two weeks after being hired. The truth is, real people would not have done this, simply because they did not have the liberty to do so. They just could not afford to lose a job, however hard it is or low paying it is. And speaking of low-income, hard, stressful jobs, she also irresponsibly argues against corporations giving such small wages without considering the economics behind it like insurance and overhead. These things are work requirements and are deducted from the employees’ salaries. Of course, with those things, and probably additional loans, the employees would really get a small wage after all the deductions are done. Also, the fact that she seemed to give her own thoughts and comments on the issues that were tackled on the book made it less like professional journalism. Ehrenreich thought that the book was the product of undercover reporting, but it certainly lacked a bit of that sense because of the lack of objectivity of reporting the events. She was not even able to tell or relate the lives her subjects were living. She could have picked a person, tried to get to know him and be able to relate in the book more concretely the problems and issues the person was facing. Instead, the book was actually, in another point of view, mostly about her and how she coped up with living the life of such people. Sure, there were the other characters but it almost always seemed like she was the hero since the whole thing revolved around herself. The subjects she was supposed to be studying were like backdrops in her play. She really should have focused more on the lives of the people she was studying. She should have delved more on exactly how these people lived, what are the exact problems they were facing, if possible, what these people wanted, wished, they could do for themselves and what the government could do for them. I’m not saying that Ehrenreich was all the way wrong in her methods and because of that, her book was essentially ineffective. The truth is, although it would have been better with the above suggestion, it has, in effect, really opened the eyes of its readers of the many people who have jobs but still really are poor. The book certainly disproved the mindset that if one has a job, then everything’s going to be alright. It also might have made people reconsider their thoughts about the poor, saying that they are like that because they are lazy. The book shows that there are hardworking people, but unfortunately, even with all the jobs they are balancing, they are still not able to get out of the sticky web called poverty. Works Cited Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2001.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Description and Examples of Variables

Description and Examples of Variables A variable is a name for a place in the computers memory where you store some data. Imagine a very large warehouse with lots of storage bays, tables, shelves, special rooms etc. These are all places where you can store something. Lets imagine we have a crate of beer in the warehouse. Where exactly is it located? We wouldnt say that it is stored 31 2 from the west wall and 27 8 from the north wall. In programming terms we also wouldnt say that my total salary paid this year is stored in four bytes starting at location 123,476,542,732 in RAM. Data in a PC The computer will place variables in different locations each time our program is run. However, our program knows exactly where the data is located. We do this by creating a variable to refer to it and then let the compiler handle all the messy details about where it is actually located. It is far more important to us to know what type of data we will be storing in the location. In our warehouse, our crate might be in section 5 of shelf 3 in the drinks area. In the PC, the program will know exactly where its variables are located. Variables Are Temporary They exist just as long as they are needed and are then disposed of. Another analogy is that variables are like numbers in a calculator. As soon as you hit the clear or power off buttons, the display numbers are lost. How Big Is a Variable As big as is needed and no more. The smallest a variable can be is one bit and the largest is millions of bytes. Current processors handle data in chunks of 4 or 8 bytes at a time (32 and 64 bit CPUs), so the bigger the variable, the longer it will take to read or write it. The size of the variable depends on its type. What Is a Variable Type? In modern programming languages, variables are declared to be of a type. Apart from numbers, the CPU does not make any kind of distinction between the data in its memory. It treats it as a collection of bytes. Modern CPUs (apart from those in mobile phones) can usually handle both integer and floating point arithmetic in hardware. The compiler has to generate different machine code instructions for each type, so knowing what the type of variable helps it generate optimal code. What Types of Data Can a Variable Hold? The fundamental types are these four. Integers (both signed and unsigned) 1,2,4 or 8 bytes in size. Usually referred to as ints.Floating Point Numbers up to 8 bytes in size.Bytes. These are organized in 4s or 8s (32 or 64 bits) and read in and out of the CPUs registers.Text strings, up to billions of bytes in size. CPUs have special instructions for searching through large blocks of bytes in memory. This is very handy for text operations. There is also a general variable type, often used in scripting languages. Variant - This can hold any type but is slower to use. Example of Data Types Arrays of types- single dimension like drawers in a cabinet, two-dimensional like post office sorting boxes or three dimensional like a pile of beer crates. There can be any number of dimensions, up to the limits of the compiler.Enums which are a restricted subset of integers.  Read about  what is an enum is.Structs are a composite variable where several variables are lumped together in one big variable.Streams provide a way to manage files. Theyre a form of a string.Objects, are like structs but with much more sophisticated data handling. Where are Variables Stored? In memory but in different ways, depending on how they are used. Globally. All parts of the program can access and change the value. This is how older languages like Basic and Fortran used to handle data and it is not considered a good thing. Modern languages tend to discourage global storage though it is still possible.On the Heap. This is the name for the main area used. In C and C, access to this is via pointer variables.On the Stack. The stack is a block of memory that is used to store parameters passed into functions, and variables that exist local to functions. Conclusion Variables are essential to procedural programming, but it is important not to get too hung up on the underlying implementation unless you are doing systems programming or writing applications that have to run in a small amount of RAM. Our rules regarding variables: Unless you are tight on ram or have large arrays, stick with ints rather than a byte (8 bits) or short int (16 bits). Especially on 32 Bit CPUs, there is an extra delay penalty in accessing less than 32 bits.Use floats instead of doubles unless you need the precision.Avoid variants unless really necessary. They are slower.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Heres How to Make Non-Toxic Homemade Tattoo Ink

Here's How to Make Non-Toxic Homemade Tattoo Ink The earliest tattoo inks came from nature. You can use non-toxic natural ingredients to make your own homemade tattoo ink. One common tattoo ink recipe is simple and has been used in various forms for thousands of years. Its sometimes called wood ash ink,  carbon black tattoo ink, or a poke-and-stick tattoo. How to Make Tattoo Ink The earliest tattoo inks were prepared by mixing ashes from completely burned wood together with water. The wood ashes were nearly pure carbon, which yielded a black to brown tattoo. While carbon is the base for modern tattoo inks, its not a great idea to use water as the liquid to suspend the ink (the carrier). While a homemade tattoo ink may be prepared using sterile distilled water, poking the ink into the skin will force bacteria on the skin into the deeper layers. A non-toxic disinfectant, such as vodka, is a better choice. Vodka is a mixture of alcohol in water. Any other white alcohol, such as rubbing alcohol or tequila, will also work. Prepare the ink from: one cup carbon black ashes (completely burned wood)just enough vodka to create a slurry Prepare the ink by mixing the carbon black and vodka in a blender (15 minutes to an hour). If the mixture is too thin, add more carbon pigment. If the mixture is too thick, thin it with a little more vodka. It is best to prepare fresh homemade ink for each use, though the ink could be stored in a sealed container away from sunlight and blended again. Its a good idea to wear a mask and gloves when applying a tattoo to prevent the spread of infectious agents. The tattoo can be applied using a pin or quill that is dipped into the ink and poked into the skin. Notes About Wood and Paper Some people make this ink by burning wood in a heat-proof bowl. The advantage of using paper is that it produces fine carbon particles. The disadvantage is that some types of paper are treated with chemicals (e.g. heavy metals) that may remain in the ashes.If youre using wood, be aware youll get slightly different results depending on the species of wood you burn.If you know youll need multiple batches of ink to complete a tattoo, its a good idea to use the same source for the carbon each time and to keep track of how much ash and liquid youre using. Careful measurement will help ensure each batch has the same particle density, which translates into color intensity. Tattoo Ink Safety Notes While you can prepare your own ink and give yourself or a friend a tattoo, this is not a good idea for most people.  Professional inks are much more consistent in quality and safer to use, so they will give you better results with less chance of a reaction to the ink. Also, tattoo professionals are trained in aseptic techniques, so you will have much less chance of getting an infection or accidentally puncturing a blood vessel if you get your tattoo inked by a trained artist. Source Helmenstine, Anne. Why People Use Vodka for Science Experiments. Science Notes and Projects, August 30, 2015.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Examine A Population In The News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Examine A Population In The News - Essay Example lack of consistency, such that the results differed across the three; and presented a review with the idea of recommending one poll as being better than the other two. In the Bloomberg National Poll the incumbent was reported to have opened a 13 point advantage over Romney, 4 points advantage in the Pew Research Center Poll, and 3 points in the AP Poll. In an attempt to explain the disparities in the figures reported, methodological issues and change in opinions by voters (considering how closely rated the candidates were) were cited. Drawing from an expert’s position, the reporter cited voter commitment as low, which led to massive swaying of potential voters who were polled. However, these adduced low levels of voter commitment were not measured. Among the poll questions were candidates’ favorability ratings, in which Romney’s score sank back to the initial 39% when he entered the presidential race, becoming 17% more ill-favored. The Bloomberg poll also found out that Obama had gained a 19 points advantage over his opponent in terms of being in touch with the ordinary citizens. On their part, Pew Research Center’s results showed that Obama was voted as being 31% ahead of Romney in terms of being in touch with the ordinary citizens (Tacket, 2012). The Bloomberg poll had a slightly higher percentage of respondents who believed the country was headed the wrong direction (62%), against the AP’s 60%. You would expect these high percentages to impact the incumbent’s rating negatively. However, the three pollsters showed a contrasting trend, which could indicate extreme losses for the opponent. In fact, this has been highlighted by the recorded further 17% of respondents who ill-favored the Republ ican candidate at the time, Mitt Romney. In the Bloomberg survey, 1002 adult respondents were polled, and the scores associated with their responses had an error margin of  ±3.1%. Out of this sample, 734 were registered voters, and their responses’ margin of

Friday, November 1, 2019

M chap 3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

M chap 3 - Coursework Example scale and large scale businesses may always employ certain approaches as well as techniques relevant to changes in consumer behavior (Dietrich and Media, 2015)s. In marketing, businesses always need to acquit themselves with certain information from their consumers including their locations, what they want, as well as who their real consumers are. Changes in consumer behaviors always make businesses to conduct thorough researches, as well as, surveys in order to know what the consumers want. For example, in case they fail to satisfy the changing consumer interests and needs, marketing of such products may be compromised and can easily fail. As such, the businesses always conduct surveys and research through sales forecasts, internet researches, as well as, market sensing (Dietrich and Media, 2015). This gives them a competitive advantage in the marketing spectrum as they deeply understand the needs of their customers, failure to which, can lead to failure of the companies. It is important to note that the issue of consumer behavior is also affected by the economy of the United States in certain ways. For instance, if the economy strengthens, the consumer demands and tastes increases (Rao, 2010). However, if the economy faces some crises, the consumers also feel these economic crises, thereby limiting their consumption demands. It is of critical significance to note that changes in consumer behavior are not influenced by any legislation. This is because consumer behaviors are majorly dictated by their own personal interests, tastes and preferences. As such, it is important to note that consumer behavior can affect the market in various ways. According to my opinion, consumer behavior always controls the markets in various ways. as such, the changes in consumer behavior can always make some companies to experience big losses if they do not device effective marketing strategies to approach the situations occasioned by the changes in consumer behaviors. Therefore,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Unit_10_TAEASS403B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Unit_10_TAEASS403B - Essay Example This would also ensure that the assessment that are in relation to the standards of the industry are consistent with the learning outcomes that are relevant and the specific criteria of performance for the qualifications, training fields, units of competency and the levels of qualification. In addition to this, this action would give the assessor knowledge concerning the effectiveness and appropriateness of the system of assessment in their work. It would also help in evaluating the assessment objectives process that would be used, and in confirming the decisions that they would make in relation to the assessment competency. The information regarding the assessment benchmarks could be gathered from a number of sources. This includes other RTOs, industrial associations, professional associations, networks, and the relevant ITABS. In order to prepare, Jeremy and other assessor would need to identify the person to be involved in validation; agree and determine the focus and purpose of validation; identify the particular tools, instruments, methods, situations of assessment, and results of assessment that may come under scrutiny; identify the required standards and benchmarks; identifying the head of the process of validation; finding out the functions and activities of other individuals that would be involved in the process of validation, and agreeing on the approach and method of validation. The rule of evidence shows out that all the evidence must be sufficient, authentic, and current. The assessor needs to gather enough evidence so as to ensure that the assessment candidate would be competent in all the elements of the criteria of performance. The collected evidence needs to be recent to ensure the assessment of current competency thus validity. Additionally the assessors should also make sure that the gathered evidence belonged to the candidate. On the other hand, the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Experiment on Pencil Resister Effect on Circuit Output

Experiment on Pencil Resister Effect on Circuit Output Contents (Jump to) Research Background Figure 1: Metallic Bonding Figure 2: Molecular structure of diamond and graphite Figure 3: Graphite grading scale Figure 4: Resistance proportional to length Figure 5: Resistance proportional to cross sectional area Aim Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Hypothesis Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Justification of hypothesis Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Materials Method Experiment 1 (length) Experiment 2 (cross sectional area) Experiment 3 (type of pencil) Diagram of the experiment Ohm’s Law Variables Independent Variables Dependent Variables Controlled Variables Results Table 1: Experiment 1 (length) Table 2: Experiment 2 (cross sectional area) Table 2: Experiment 3 (pencil type) Discussion Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Research Background The electrical conductivity of a substance is a measure of the ease with which the valence electrons move throughout its structure, and thus is dictated by its bonding. Metallic bonding produces the greatest conductivity, as it involves a lattice of positively charged nuclei, with electrons free to move throughout the lattice (Science Daily, 2010). Figure 1: Metallic Bonding Hence, when an electrical charge is applied to the metal, the electrons are able to easily move through it and therefore it can be said to be a good conductor. Substances bound by covalent bonding, on the other hand, are usually poor conductors (called insulators) as the electrons are tightly held within the covalent bonds. They are materials that do not permit the free flow of electrons. While a conductor lets the flow electrons pass through and an insulator impede the flow of electrons. A resistor’s resistance limits the flow of electrons throughout the circuit. The resistors ability to reduce the current is called resistance and is measured in units of ohms (symbol: ÃŽ ©). Resistance is caused by the collisions of the electrons with positive ions in the lattice. Ohm’s Law The resistors current(I)in amps (A) is equal to the resistors voltageVin volts (V) divided by the resistanceRin ohms (ÃŽ ©) Electrical current (Amps) is the rate at which charged particles move from one part of the conductor to another current has the symbol I. Voltage is a measure of the difference inelectrical energybetween two parts of a circuit. The bigger the difference in energy, the bigger the voltage. An ohmic resistor obeys the ohm’s law. Ohm’s law states that the proportional energy drop across a resistor is proportional to its resistance and the current the flows through is. This can be represented in the form of a formula: V=IR So, if a current of 1 A is passing through a conductor of resistance of 1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ the potential difference between the ends of the conductor will be 1V. Additionally, resistance is equal to voltage divided by current, and voltage is equal to current multiply by resistance. Therefore, in a circuit, if a resistors resistance is equal to voltage divided by current, the resistor is ohmic. Resistivity is the measure of resistance inherent to a particular material. Provided that the dimensions (length and cross sectional area) of any conductor do not change, its resistance will remain the same. If two conductors of exactly the same dimensions have a different resistance, they must be made of different materials. Resistivity is given the symbol (Ï ) called rho. The resistivity of a material is defined as the resistance of a piece of material having a length of one metre and a cross sectional area of one square metre. Graphite is a pure carbon substance, where three of its valence electrons are covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms, forming a layered structure. However, the fourth valence electron is left unbonded, and thus is able to move freely. These valence electrons allow the flow of electricity through the substance in certain directions when an electrical current is applied to graphite. Figure 2: Molecular structure of diamond and graphite Each carbon atom in graphite is covalently bonded to three neighboring carbon atoms and these form layers of hexagonal network which are separated by a large distance. Although the fourth valence electrons are remained free which enables the electrons to flow through graphite this makes graphite a good conductor of electricity. Although this does not happen in diamond, each of the carbon atoms in diamond makes bonds with four other carbon atoms. So there is no free electron with carbon atoms to conduct electricity blocking the flow of electrons. Figure 3: Graphite grading scale The â€Å"lead† in pencil is made up of a combination of graphite and clay, with wax and other additives in small quantities. Clay, unlike graphite, is an insulator as it does not conduct electricity well, due to the covalent bonds holding valence electrons tightly in place. This is because clay is mainly made out of silicate minerals; these minerals have very low conductivity which makes them good insulator. The shade of pencil is dependent on percentage of each component. Pencils range from 9H, with 41% graphite and 53% clay, to 9B, with 93% graphite and 2% clay. Given that graphite is more conductive than clay, as the concentration of graphite increases, the conductivity should increase. The resistance of an object, a measure of the conductivity of a circuit component, this can be calculated using Ohm’s law explained before above, which considers electrical resistance as the ratio of the voltage applied to the current which flows through it, or the degree to which the voltage is resisted. Factors that would be affect the resistance of the graphite are length, cross sectional area and temperature. As the length of the conductor is shorter it would allow more electrons to pass through at a higher rate rather than a longer one. While as the radius of the cross sectional area of a conductor (or thickness) is wider the more electrons can pass through compared to a narrower conductor restricting high rate of flow of electrons. Finally, although temperature would not be tested as it would have less effect on the resistance of the conductor. As the temperature of the conductor increase stronger the resistance as the protons inside the conductor would be vibrating slowing the flow of electrons. Resistance isproportional to length. If the pencil’s resistor has a different length and give each a particular potential difference across its ends, the longer the pencil’s resistor the less volts each centimetre of it will get. A smaller potential gradient in the graph would have fewer volts per metre means current decreases with increased length and resistance increases. Figure 4: Resistance proportional to length Figure 5: Resistance proportional to cross sectional area Resistance isinversely proportional to cross sectional area. The bigger the cross sectional area of the pencil’s resistor the greater the number of flow of electrons can pass through the conductor. If the length of the pencil’s resistor does not change the conductor still gets the same number of volts across the potential gradient does not change and so the average drift velocity of individual electrons does not change. Aim Experiment 1 The aim of this experiment is to test if the length of a pencil resistor affects the output of the circuit. Experiment 2 The aim of this experiment is to test if the cross sectional area of a pencil resistor affects the output of the circuit. Experiment 3 The aim of this experiment is to test if the type of a pencil resistor (HB, 2H, 2B and 6B) affects the output of the circuit. Hypothesis Experiment 1 It is predicted that the longer the length of a pencil’s resistor the lower the current as the electrons would have to travel further which gives a higher resistance. Experiment 2 It is predicted that the thicker the cross sectional area of the pencil’s resistor the more electrons would flow through which gives a low resistance. Experiment 3 It is predicted that as the concentration of clay in the pencil’s resistor increases, the resistance increases. Justification of hypothesis Experiment 1 As the length of a conductor increases, the resistance increases. Increasing the length of the graphite in the pencil will increase the resistance of the whole circuit. As the resistance through the pencil increases, more voltage is used there and the potential energy across the circuit decreases. Experiment 2 As the cross sectional area of the conductor increases, the resistance decreases. As the radius of the cross sectional area of a conductor (or thickness) is wider, the more electrons can pass through compared to a narrower conductor restricting high rate of flow of electrons. Experiment 3 Graphite is more conductive than clay, as the concentration of clay in the pencil’s resistor increases, the resistance increases. Clay compared to graphite is an insulator and does not conduct with electricity well blocking the flow of electrons. This shows that a 2B would be more conductive than a HB as it contains more graphite than clay. Materials Pencils (HB,2H,2B,6B) x3(HB),x3(2H),x3(2B),x3(6B) Insulated alligator clip set X6 Power supply X1 Multimeter (Amp meter and Volt meter) X2 Ruler (30cm) X1 Method Experiment 1 (length) The circuit was setup using two alligator clips, in a power battery. Then one wire was attached to one end of the terminal of the battery and the other end of the wire was attached on to one end of the pencil’s graphite. Next, the seconds wire was attached to the other end of the terminal of the battery and the other end of the wire was attached into one end of the pencil’s graphite. Finally, the two multimeter was placed next to the pencil and the two wires from the multimeters were attached on to the ends of the pencil. The circuit was tested with different lengths of pencils. Then the experiment was recorded in a table and graph. Experiment 2 (cross sectional area) The circuit was setup using two alligator clips, in a power battery. Then one wire was attached to one end of the terminal of the battery and the other end of the wire was attached on to one end of the pencil’s graphite. Next, the seconds wire was attached to the other end of the terminal of the battery and the other end of the wire was attached into one end of the pencil’s graphite. Finally, the two multimeter was placed next to the pencil and the two wires from the multimeters were attached on to the ends of the pencil. The circuit was tested with different cross sectional area of pencils. Then the experiment was recorded in a table and graph. Experiment 3 (type of pencil) The circuit was setup using two alligator clips, in a power battery. Then one wire was attached to one end of the terminal of the battery and the other end of the wire was attached on to one end of the pencil’s graphite. Next, the seconds wire was attached to the other end of the terminal of the battery and the other end of the wire was attached into one end of the pencil’s graphite. Finally, the two multimeter was placed next to the pencil and the two wires from the multimeters were attached on to the ends of the pencil. The circuit was tested comparing HB, 2H, 2B and 6B. Then the experiment was recorded in a table and graph. Diagram of the experiment Ohm’s Law The resistance was then measured by dividing the total voltage (V) and the current (I). Example: Pencil 1 (HB 8.5 cm) Variables Independent Variables The resistor (pencil) Dependent Variables The volt and the amp meter Controlled Variables The voltage Results Table 1: Experiment 1 (length) Length Voltage of battery total voltage (V) Current (A) Resistance (ÃŽ ©) Pencil 1 (HB 8.5cm) 2 V 1.5 V 0.21 A 7.14 ÃŽ © 4 V 2.9 V 0.41 A 7.07 ÃŽ © 6 V 4.4 V 0.66 A 6.67 ÃŽ © 8 V 6 V 0.77 A 7.79 ÃŽ © Pencil 2 (HB 17.5cm) 2 V 1.6 V 0.1 A 16 ÃŽ © 4 V 3.2 V 0.2 A 16 ÃŽ © 6 V 4.9 V 0.28 A 17.5 ÃŽ © 8 V 6.8 V 0.4 A 17 ÃŽ © Pencil 3 (HB 11.5cm) 2 V 2 V 0.18 A 11.11 ÃŽ © 4 V 4 V 0.32 A 12.5 ÃŽ © 6 V 6 V 0.5 A 12 ÃŽ © 8 V 8 V 0.73 A 10.96 ÃŽ © Pencil 4 (HB 7cm) 2 V 1.9 V 0.27 A 7.03 ÃŽ © 4 V 3.9 V 0.56 A 6.96 ÃŽ © 6 V 5 V 0.79 A 6.33 ÃŽ © 8 V 6.7 V 1.2 A 5.58 ÃŽ © Total Resistance Pencil 1 7.14 ÃŽ © + 7.07 ÃŽ © + 6.67 ÃŽ ©+ 7.79 ÃŽ ©/ 4= 7.1675 ÃŽ © Pencil 2 16 ÃŽ ©+ 16 ÃŽ ©+ 17.5 ÃŽ ©+ 17 ÃŽ ©/4= 16.625 ÃŽ © Pencil 3 11.11 ÃŽ ©+ 12.5 ÃŽ ©+ 12 ÃŽ ©+ 10.96 ÃŽ ©/ 4= 11.6425 ÃŽ © Pencil 4 7.03 ÃŽ ©+ 6.96 ÃŽ ©+ 6.33 ÃŽ ©+ 5.58 ÃŽ ©/4= 6.475 ÃŽ © Pencil 1 Pencil 2 Pencil 3 Pencil 4 Table 2: Experiment 2 (cross sectional area) Cross sectional area Voltage of battery total voltage (V) Current (A) Resistance (ÃŽ ©) Pencil 1 (HB 17.5cm) 4 V 1.07 V 0.15 A 16.40 ÃŽ © 6 V 1.53 V 0.21 A 16.90 ÃŽ © 8 V 1.99 V 0.27 A 17.19 ÃŽ © Pencil 2 (HB 17.5cm) 4 V 1.55 V 0.19 A 8.16 ÃŽ © 6 V 2.17 V 0.26 A 8.35 ÃŽ © 8 V 2.78 V 0.33 A 8.42 ÃŽ © Pencil 3 (HB 17.5cm) 4 V 2.46 V 0.18 A 5.94 ÃŽ © 6 V 3.55 V 0.27 A 5.67 ÃŽ © 8 V 4.64 V 0.36 A 5.53 ÃŽ © Cross Sectional Area A=2Ï€r2 Pencil 1 3.14 x 1 =3.14 Pencil 2 3.14 x 2= 6.28 Pencil 3 3.14 x 3= 9.42 Total resistance Pencil 1 16.40 ÃŽ ©+ 16.90 ÃŽ ©+ 17.19 ÃŽ ©/ 3= 16.83 ÃŽ © Pencil 2 8.16 ÃŽ ©+ 8.35 ÃŽ ©+ 8.42 ÃŽ ©/ 3= 8.31 ÃŽ © Pencil 3 5.94 ÃŽ ©+ 5.67 ÃŽ ©+ 5.53 ÃŽ ©/3= 5.71 ÃŽ © Pencil 1 Pencil 2 Pencil 3 Table 2: Experiment 3 (pencil type) Pencil types Voltage of battery total voltage (V) Current (A) Resistance (ÃŽ ©) Pencil 1 (2H 10.5cm) 6V 7.35 V 0.16 A 45.94 ÃŽ © 8V 9.70 V 0.20 A 48.50 ÃŽ © Pencil 2 (2B 10.5cm) 6V 2.63 V 0.35 A 7.51 ÃŽ © 8V 3.18 V 0.42 A 7.57 ÃŽ © Pencil 3 (HB 10.5cm) 6 V 3.18 V 0.34 A 9.35 ÃŽ © 8V 3.88 V 0.40 A 9.7 ÃŽ © Pencil 4 (6B 10.5cm) 6V 0.59 V 0.41 A 1.44 ÃŽ © 8V 0.71 V 0.48 A 1.48 ÃŽ © Total Resistance Pencil 1 48.50 ÃŽ ©+ 45.94 ÃŽ ©/ 2= 47.22 ÃŽ © Pencil 2 7.57 ÃŽ ©+ 7.51 ÃŽ ©/ 2= 7.54 ÃŽ © Pencil 3 9.35 ÃŽ ©+ 9.7 ÃŽ ©/ 2= 9.525 ÃŽ © Pencil 4 1.44 ÃŽ ©+ 1.48 ÃŽ ©/ 2= 1.46 ÃŽ © Pencil 1 (2H) Pencil 2 (2B) Pencil 3 (HB) Pencil 4 (6B) Discussion Experiment 1 According to the data and the graph shown previously it supports the hypothesis for all the experiments. For experiment 1, it supports the hypothesis that as the length increase the resistance increase. Using the ohm’s law formula: For Pencil 2 (HB 17.5cm) with an applied volts of 2V, it shows that the total voltage was decrease to 1.6V with a current of 0.1 A and resistance of 16à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦. Compared to Pencil 4 (HB 7cm) with an applied volt of 2V, it shows that the total voltage was decreasing to 1.9V a 0.1 difference in voltage. With a current of 0.27A and a resistance of 7.03à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ it shows that as the length of the pencil resistor increases the resistance increase. Increasing the length of the graphite in the pencil will increase the resistance of the whole circuit as the flow of electrons would have to travel longer than a short pencil resistor. Experiment 2 For experiment 2, referring to the graphs and tables it supports the hypothesis that as the cross section area of the conductor increases, the resistance decrease. For Pencil 1 with an applied of 4V, it shows that the total voltage was decrease to 2.46V with a current of 0.15A and resistance of 16.40 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦. Compared to Pencil 3 with an applied volt of 4V, it shows that the total voltage was decreasing to 1.55V a 2.58 difference in voltage. With a current of 0.19A and a resistance of 7.03 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ it shows that as the cross section area of the pencil resistor increases, the resistance decreases. As the radius of the cross sectional area of a conductor (or thickness) is wider, the more electrons can pass through compared to a narrower conductor restricting high rate of flow of electrons. Experiment 3 For the experiment 3, it supports the hypothesis that as the concentration of clay in the pencil’s resistor increases, the resistance increases. For Pencil 1 (2H 10.5cm) with an applied volt of 6V, it shows that the total voltage was decrease to Graphite is more conductive than clay, as the concentration of clay in the pencil’s resistor increases, the resistance increases. Clay compared to graphite is an insulator and does not conduct with electricity well blocking the flow of electrons. This shows that a 2B would be more conductive than a HB as it contains more graphite than clay.